

You may or may not know this but most behavior is learned through repetitive patterns. It is a cause and effect relationship.

Just as when we are driving a car, a yellow light is a warning and we will be needing to stop soon. Subtle behavior changes in children are our warning signals and we need to stop what we are doing and make a shift in our approach to them. We need to do this as a preventative means, our goal is to teach the children a new cause and effect relationship.

Learning to listen, feel and be more aware of shifts in your child can be a key sign that something is coming or brewing. Are they more needy or whining? Or are they more belligerent and refusing more? Is their skin tone different or do they seem stiff? If any of these are the case, it probably is a warning sign to you.

This is the time to intervene with the strategy. Do it before the tantrum, the refusal, the panic sets in. You are encouraged to practice these strategies when everyone is still calm.

Behaviors often effects the relationships and the ability to engage productively with others. This may be affecting your family life, community involvement and the child’s productivity in school. Check out our courses and see how we can help!