Our Solutions

Bedtime Blues

Is bedtime a challenge for your family? Does your child "bedhop" all night. If so, let CKS help you make this challenging time of day a precious one, by giving you the strategies and tools you need to make every night a good night.

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Mealtime Mayhem

Do mealtimes become a battle ground? Does your child refused to sit still or eat the food provided? This course gives you the strategies and tools to successfully manage your child and allow for efficient, effective and enjoyable meals.

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Outburst Taming and Shut Down

Does your child have tantrums? Do they melt down unexpectedly? This CKS course will teach you how to understand the underlying causes and give you the tools to proactively minimize family disruptions due tantrums.

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Homework Horrors

Do you dread homework time? Does it last for hours with tears or yelling? This CKS course will give you the strategies and tools to turn this challenging time of day into a productive session with less frustration for all. Coming Soon!

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For Educators

Facilitating Focus

Do students have difficulty following directions, routines or completing their work? In this CKS course you will gain access to solutions for students to increase attention to task, ease transitions, follow routines, work with peers and more!

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De-escalate Disruptive Behavior

Does your child lose it for no reason? Does their behavior impact others? This CKS course will give you the awareness of underlying causes and the strategies that can be used, to prevent and manage your child at home and in the classroom.

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Relax at Recess

Recess is a time for students to unwind, but a potential time of stress for teachers. This course will give you the strategies needed to manage challenges such as listening to & following directions, awkward peer relations and limited motor skills.

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